I first off would Like to say THANKS a bunch for dropping by my blog & leaving Such encouraging comments in the last Couple of Posts.....
It's nice get so much support from you all.......
Now! on with my Layout...........
So I wanted to Share with you, My first CT layout for Stuff 2 scrap
& it's for CHANTAL'S August Challenge............
You seen the Challenge in my Last Post, If not click on the PIC &
it will take you to Stuff 2 Scrap blog with all the INFO..

These 2 pic's are of me & my boy....
His red & pink hair was for Crazy Hair Day @ his School.......
& with Chantal's Color challenge the colors went perfectly with these pic's!!
Now! for some close UPS....
Stuff 2 Scrap - Petrina Buckle #1
I've inked the edges
& Stuff 2 Scrap - top2 bottom Heart Border.....
Which I inked & painted!!!
So go over Check out the other CT creations (which by the way are
Sensational)So please come along & join on the F.U.N...you have till 31st August....
Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
1 more thing I still haven't shared my CT Layout for KIU - august Challenge (click here) if you haven't seen KIU - August Challenge
So I will be back soon to share........
Until then!
HAPPY SCRAPPIN............