The Ever SO sweet Sam, Has been handing out a blog Award!!! & has very kindy throught that i was one of 10 people she throught she should pass it on too...

Now isn't that Just Gorgeous of her.
This would be my 1st EVER award....
SO Thanx Sam! I Think you Totally Rock GIRL!!! MWAH........
Now before i hand it too 10 awesome ladies......
I need to tell you 10 things about me you don't know..
1. I have no Middle name.
2. I like to have a coffee first thing in the morning.
3. I have freckles.
4. Gardening is another thing I like to do.
5. I like to watch Scary movies ( But only when hubby their to protect me) LOL...
6. I admirer my Husband, I Think he is the BEST thing since slice bread...
7. I just LOVE to Shop.. But i think all us girls like to that.
8. My Favs colours are Black, Fushia Pink, Brown, Red & Grey..
9. I don't mind going out on the town & having a go @ Karaoke! But i can't sing well.. It all about FUN
right!!!!! LOL
And number
10. I do love to eat Chicken.
WOW that got me thinking!!!
OK So now the fun Part handing this blog out.....
BUT i've not been a blogger for long So i'm Still new to all of this.....
the 1st person is Tanya- Tanya was the first person that followed my Blog, (maybe felt sorry for me) LOL But She is Also 1 of the most Talented! Amazing! ladies i follow.....
I think she Totally Rocks the Scrappin world.
the 2nd Person is Kathleen - i Don't comment much on her blog, But she is SOOOO inspiring i follow her
all the time & not in a bad way, LOL!! Kathleen is another AMAZING
Scrapper. Well you would all know that already..LOL
the 3rd is Georgia- I was always inspired by her work on Anna's Craft cupboard, But she gave up her DT
position not long ago, i miss georgia i bit - But i now follow her..
the 4th is Mel- i think she just so cool, love to look @ her work.
I don't think i'm going to make 10..... Ummm
oh the 5th would be Nerrida- OMG!! her work is just SO Stunning... Nerrida is another DT from Anna's
Craft Cupboard that i Admirer...
6th is Jamie- How cool is her Blog- & OH SO talented...
7th is Luzma- Just Love her work......
I think that will do.. i dont seem too follow that many people YET....
WOW!! what a post...
Until next time
Rachael XX