Well Hello there fellow scrappers!
I like most of us, have been SUPER busy & have not had much time to blog..
I'm now a little behind in sharing layouts!!
SO! today I wanted to share these 2 layouts I created as part of the
SO! today I wanted to share these 2 layouts I created as part of the
Scraps of Elegance is teaming up with CSI- Color Stories Inspiration for the month of October as Special Investigators and Sponsors.
Scraps of Elegance will be providing the prize this month for the winner at CSI. It's the gorgeous, elegant September kit, Nostalgia. This kit features the wonderful Pion Design Grandma's Schoolbook Collection and Renea Harrison's handmade butterflies. Scraps Of Elegance is the only club to feature these exquisite butterfly embellishments.
here is Case#42

As a GUEST Detective this is how I solved the Case #42
Testimony: 12 things my son could not live @ the age of 9.
is Case #43
As a GUEST Detective this is how I solved the Case #43
the date is wrong on this & I only picked up on this late last week & it was to late to remove it & resend it to Debbi. SO! I thought I just let you know instead...
The date should be 2nd September NOT! 2nd of February I really don't know what I was thinking when I did the date????
Testimony: Document a Special event.
THANK YOU So VERY much for those of you that have popped on over & left some blog love...
REALLY do appreciated it!!
hope you have a GREAT week & to those the U.S with hurricane Sandy heading your way stay safe!