How was everyone's Weekend? Good I hope,
With Fathers Day yesterday we had a Totally Awesome Day........
I came up with the IDEA to go 4Wheel Driving for the DAY & We Just had the best time!!
I even Got a Hug from Hubby @ the end of the Day, he said to ME!!!
THANKS & this has been the BEST Father's Day Soooo Far!!
ANYWAYS! Enough of the Mushy Stuff....
I wanted to let you know that Sketch #98 is UP over @
Let's Capture These Sketches Created by Charlotte
& what an Gorgeous Sketch It IS.......

I've turned this Sketch
Here is MY CT layout...............
Most of the Products here, I've Used from Tidbitz In Time
Which You should really Sigh UP for Wendy's Kits!!
They Are Jammed Packed with Awesome Products each month....
This Kit is the August Kit & it is Divine with the Crate Paper - Portrait Range & Prima Flowers....
I CAN'T help myself!! I always have to add a few things to a Layout from my own Stash......
The Doiles, Butterflies, the 2 little green Flowers & the Stamp I've used on my Background
are things Not included in the Kit...............
Some Close UPS!
If you need some more Inspiration then Go Check out the other CT layouts over @ LCTS
& till next time!!
& your Comments are TRULY APPRECIATED.....
then (Click Here)