
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Guest Designer for Once Upon A Sketch December's Challenge

Well hello!
hope things are going well with you all...
I was SUPER DOOPER honored for my layout click HERE if you want to see it again to have won October's Challenge over a Once Upon A Sketch.. also that same layout was Featured over @ Glitz Design.. So double woot WooooT
&now lucky enough to be a GUEST DESIGNER for there December Challenge...
I guess most of you have seen the December Challenge by now 
but! will share with you anyways...
have copied and paste this next bit
Theme:  It's December...

We would like you to create a layout and interpret the theme "'It's December.. " however you like based on the following sketch. 

Ideas for Journalling: We know that not everyone celebrates Christmas in December, but if you do we would love to hear all about it. If not, then tell us anything that you like about December..celebratory on not! 

Your layout must incorporate this theme and the sketch below. 

Please make sure that we see some sort of journalling on your layouts and please tell us where your journalling is . You are allowed to journal in any language but please tell us where on your page we will find your journalling. Remember journalling has to be a bit more than a title, or a generic comment.Hidden journalling is perfectly fine.

& the sketch
& here is my GDT layout...
of my WONDERFUL brother who was taken from us WAY TO SOON!!
I have found it real hard the last 4 years to enjoy the month of December......
 AND 2 years ago I also lost a Dear friend on the same day.... 
So for me I REALLY don't like December the 14th!!
 I just haven't found the spirit of Christmas I once had...  BUT! I have put on a brave face & had hid many tears from the children making sure that they ENJOY Christmas.. I guess that's what we do!!
& when I received this Challenge I knew I HAD to create this Layout....
I feel that in a little bit of a Quirky sort of way.... I was meant to create for this challenge it has helped a little & it felt SO GOOD to create this layout!! 
My journaling is on the back of this layout.. I had a bit to say & thought it was best to just put it on the back of it....
the papers & Sparklers are Webster pages, Pink Paislee  - Artisan hearts & Prima - resistant canvas pieces.... which I've sprayed with a pale blue mist...
the Flowers, gold ribbon, leaves & the green wire stars are All GREEN TARA.. 
The designing team have once again created such AMAZING layouts!! with 26 Gorgeous entries already I think most of you have already stopped on by...
BUT! Be sure to check O.U.T group B reveal

Thanks so much for poppin on by & any of your comments you may leave behind..
Have a WONDERFUL Sunday!