
Friday, December 28, 2012

Green Tara & Paper Stories Decemeber/January Sketch Challenge

I hope you all had 1 of the most JOYOUS Christmas... Our's was really LOVELY....
 A few days before Christmas we had a bad storm & lost our internet Thank goodness I had already pre schedule my DT post for Green Tara...  but! that was the only post I scheduled..
Now! that I have internet back.. I can share with you my creations for Green Tara

“Have yourself a merry little Christmas frame”

 First up is the photo frame... I have dabbed lots of gesso around the frame! Then stamped, inked, sprayed then added some micro beads to give it a mixed media feel to it!! Finishing it off by adding lots of GORGOEUS Green Tara goodness....
The Wire stars are 1 of my FAVES from Green Tara... these beauties come a few colours, I’ve left these 1’s plain! Don’t they look FANTASTIC.....
The EVER so lovely new  Xmas Vines , along with the Mini roses, Fushia Calla lillie & the fushia  stars on Wire....
My cluster of Flowers consist of 1.5cm lime green mini roses, 3cm Pink Cherry blossom, 8cm Damask in Aqua, 4cm White Apple Blossom, 5cm Sakura in Purple & a 5cm Satin Rosette in the palest lavender which I have Sprayed fushia Pink... 
Also with some self adhesive gold trim....
& I’ve framed some of the inside with 1 of Green Tara Lace!

Keeping with the Christmas theme, I also created this layout of my 2 kids.....
 I’ve used some 22mm Vertical strip Black & Red ribbon & some black Bub n Bow
as well as strips of paper...

Here is a close up of A red wire Heart, Did I already mention how I Adore these wire Products.... 5cm Cooper leave & I am adoring the lovely little red/white Cherry Blossoms the 2 toned 1’s are Sooooo GORGOGEUS...Also a new 5cm yellow Satin Rosette & a 2 toned Aubergine/White Apple blossom....
A New 8cm Burgundy Damask along with the new 6cm Dusky Pink Pincushion flower....

& a rainforest lavender Butterfly.....

& lastly is this layout 
"OH Christmas Tree "
which is my take on the Paper Stories - December/ January Sketch Challenge
Georgia Heald as most of you know, is the owner of Paper Stories 
Georgia is 1 of those scrappers that INSPIRES me to the MAX...

the Sketch created by the Sweet Nadia Cannizzo

I wanted to create this layout of our Christmas Tree for 2012...
For the last few years now.. The kids & I discuss on which color theme we with go with this year for Christmas!!!
after seeing a Christmas tree VIA Pinterest with the rows of coIoured balls, I asked the kids what was there thoughts on this & they like me LOVED it!!
So this year was color theme for US...
down the right side I've used the Green Tara herringbone Black & Turquoise ribbons, along with some Gorgeous Green Tara Lace with some gold Stars on the wire 
I've cut up some of the Black Herringbone ribbon  to create arrow/chevron strips....
along with a 3cm Purple velvet leave, a couple of the newer flowers a 3cm white lace pearl flower & 6cm wild rose pale blue..
That's it for today! I best go tidy up & Organize this house....
as I have 3 of my nephews staying with us for the 5 days..
SO! I going to know what it feels like to be a mother to 5 kidlets ranging  from 4 years to 10 years!!
THANK goodness hubby is on holidays to help O.U.T!
 THANKS SO much for popping on by & till next time 
Take Care