Sunday, November 10, 2019

2 Crafty Chipboard - 'Simple Moments make great memories'

Hello & a HAPPY ðŸ˜€
Sunday to you all!!

Today sharing my latest creation and 
part of 2 Crafty Chipboard 
November Guest detective work for 
CSI - Color, Stories, Inspraition

 I solved case file #300 by 
 working with the color scheme
My evdience: flowers, light bulbs, quote stickers.
My testimony: Inspriational word feel.

And incorpated a few fabulous 
2 Crafty Chipboard pieces:

Simple Moments make great memories (title)
light bulbs
Charlotte flowers

Coloured this fine & delicate title,
Using Distress Crayon - 'tumbled glass' 

for the Light bulbs & Charlotte flowers
All of these have a single coat of gesso!

Finishing off the Charlotte flowers 
with dabbed on some Orange 
Distress Ink - Ripe Persimmon....
AND 2018 I ended up
 with 3 coats of gesso! 

Thanks for coming by!
Until next time!

To view all the info on the November CSI challenges -----> HERE
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