
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January Sketches With A Twist..

Hello! Hello!
Hope all is well with you...
I am a little behind in sharing with you my  January DT layout Sketches With A Twist which sadly is my last DT for them!!
OK! SO! the Sketch Created by the talented Julianne McKenna-De Lumen
& the Twist Been Chevron..
Sorry for the crappy photo!! that's what happens when you take the photo at night..
& forget to take another photo of it!!

Be sure to stop on by if you haven't already & check out the other DT layouts they have SERIOUSLY rocked it!!

OH! & just before I go in other news
Scraps Of Elegance & Scraps Of Darkness are having a Blog Hop
As some of you may remember I am  or I should say was lucky enough to be on the Scraps Of Elegance Designing Team.. WELL! Now I've converted to the  Scraps Of Darkness Designing Team... SUPER Exicted about this... WooooHooo
Scraps of Darkness is "Alternative"  more of mixed media techniques on our creations.... RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!! 
be sure to HOP ALONG with hidden prizes up for grabs..
SO! till next post take care