
Friday, November 30, 2012

Glitz Design - Yours Truly

As mention in my last post
I've have 3 layouts to share... these are part of my November DT work for Anna's Craft Cupboard 
I have to admit I was a tad excited to be receiving this range as it is 1 my favorite ranges
first up is this layout of Me & my Mummy...

This layout I created for my mum I have some journaling on the back of this layout...
she is always telling me Oh you look lovely today or that looks pretty!!
She is always giving me lovely comments.....
hence the the title....
Mum informed me that she loves the layout BUT! not the photo of her....
along with the GD Yours Truly  papers I have used some Giant Rhinestones , Whatnots &  Puffy word stickers....
 the mask I've used is a Prima - gate & CW - 6x6 chevron..... 
Also I've used a couple of the Collection - Paris butterflies
& I just had to add some Green Tara flowers- Gardenia & Cherry blossoms.... The 2 tone blue - Cherry blossoms work so well here I think!!!! 

next up is this layout of Chloee & my FIL!
 I  really liked the paper garlands & was Inspired to create my own with Ephemera paper & 2 different size heart punches....
I've also used some of the GD - Washi Tape in my background...
The Chevron stamp is from Casheme Dame stamps!!

fussy cut out the cute owl from a Your's Truly whatnot  & again I've added some more of those ever so GORGEOUS Green Tara 2 tone Blue - Cherry Blossoms & a peach
& lastly with this range
Is this layout of Jason (DH) & Ethan....
the banner I created using the GD - Your's Truly Ephemera paperMFT - Fishtail Banner
A kraft tag with some Journaling...
THANK You so much for poppin on by
Hope you have a WONDERFUL Weekend..
we have a busy 1! Well all our weekends are pretty full on till Christmas!