
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Prima - BAP February Sketch

Like most of you, have been busy busy with life & finding NOT a lot
of time for scrapping, Unless for my DT commitments!! 
I did find a little time last week to Create this Layout for Prima's February Sketch Challenge.......

Warning a few Close Ups! I think I must be making up for my last post....   LOL!
NoW! Your eyes are NOT playing up on your when you are looking @ my layout & thinking GEE! that Iron on looks a little Blurry? Well! Sad to say I did smug it when Iron it on....   Sniff Sniff!
I was thinking about covering it up...BUT! I really loved this Iron On & I LOVED the outcome & I thought Bugger it!! It may NOT be a winner,
BUT! it is to me .......... So I've sent it though anyways......

All the little butterflies you see, have been fussy Cutted from this Prima - pp...
Primas - Reflections  “Shimmer” #842338 paper Say it in Crystals #55057
Angelica Rose Col Bonnie #546328, Jardinere Londoerry #552626, Love Letter Roses #542726 Sculpture Flowers #920968, Resistant Canvas #551612,Alphabet Stickers #550097, Printery “love Ledger” #843540 paper, & Madeline “Skyward” paper,

I will be back soon to Share MY Layout for our Latest word with  Bird Is The Word         Bye for NOW