
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kaisercraft-Tiny Woods Part #2

6 more days to go in My Giveaway (clickHERE) 

OK! A Couple of posts back I shared with you 2 layouts I have created Using the Kaisercraft - Tiny Woods that was sent me in my first DT pack
WELL.... I'm back to Share 2 more layouts Working with The Kaisercraft - Tiny Woods....

I believe in Climbing a Good Tree
 CW 6X6 – Mini leaf frame, White paint & Spellbinds Nestabilities - Picot EdgeCircles,

(spellbinds nestabilities circles-  available from Anna's just out of stock right now)

After seeing a number of STUNNING layouts created by the OH! SO! Talented & Gorgeous NADIA on her blog........ & THEN!!! Seeing on BELINDA's BLOG
her TOTALLY AMAZING Creations with this Martha Stewart - Punch around the page Set - Cherish I JUST had to grab my self 1!!!! 

The Martha Stewart Cherish Punch I did get from Anna's Also...

Green Tara 3cm – White (Which I’ve sprayed them brown) & bits of Bling,

the bling on the Mushroom & tree is from the Free gift you get when placing an order thou ANNA's 
 Green Tara 3cm – White (Which I’ve sprayed them brown) 

Wendy has created this FABULOUS Sketch for Anna's Craft Cupboard 
February Sketch Challenge....
& with $40.00 UP for Grabs, Why would you NOT play along!!!

THANKS for stoppin by & Hope you All ENJOY the rest of your Weekends!!!!