
Monday, February 20, 2012

Basic Grey - Indie Bloom

How was your weekend? Mine was Gr8, Got to catch up with a good friend of mine on Saturday night.... Good Food, Good Wine & some Good Laughs!!  
makes Me A Happy Girl...... OH! & if you wondering who the 3 LUCKY WINNERS where for my Giveaway, then you can GO here  

I have some more Layouts to share that I created as part of my DT for 
Anna's Craft Cupboard,  I really Still can't believe that I am on this team...
In my DT pack was also some Basic Grey - Indie Bloom...... YUMMY!!
I So loved working with this Range.....
First up is A layout of Chloee & 1 of her Cousins Courtney ...... 
Basic Grey – Indie Bloom – Elements Stickers,Alpha Sitckers,Indie Bloom – Turquoise paper ,Cha Cha paper both sides,Indie Bloom – Canvas Petals,Basic Grey Indie bloom – Title StickersFrom my Stash   : Girls Paperie Paper – Bling Brads,  Prima Flower,bling  
The Punch Circle you see in this Layout was Inspired by Lisa Gregory - What A Beautiful Mess
I had become a follower of Lisa after seeing her STUNNING Creations!!!!!
Lisa has some of the BEST Tutorials & 1 of them is the Punch Decorative Circle...   For Direct link to her Tutorial   GO HERE
Watch out world here comes more Decorative Circles on my layouts......  LOL!
OK! now on with some Close UPS.....

ONTO! the next layout
NOW! Some of you may recognize the Girl!!!! Via the blogland
If not this is a Very VERY GOOD friend of mine.....
Toni - her Blog A Door To My Scrapping Room You should Stop by & check out her 
AWESOME Creations sometime...
I created this just to let her Know that I TRULY Appreciate our Friendship 
Even thou I thinks she already know this.....

Another decorative punch Circle.....
OK! I have 2 more layouts to Share working with BASIC GREY - Indie Bloom 
BUT! I will save it for another post!!
Hope you All have a WONDERFUL WEEK & THANKS for stoppin by