
Monday, January 23, 2012


Hello & Happy Sunday - Monday to you!!!

NOW! I am a little behind with Sharing my DT layout for the latest word 
 Remember....... over @ BIRD IS THE WORD
If your a BIRD fan you would have seen this over @ the  the BIRDS BLOG
BUT! I thought I'd better share my Layout before the Next word is Released... hehehe!!
YEP! this is our little Family & I Just Adore spending time with them!!
Don't get me wrong, they all push my buttons sometimes, BUT! I usually get past this!!  LOL! 

& it wouldn't be a post without some close UPS!!!

Mostly Echo Park - Victoria Gardens papers & Stickers,
A Doily, Cheery Lynn - Exotic Butterfly #2, Mini Butterfly punch...

ALSO! We are now having guest designers @ Bird Is The Word!!!!!
So the 1st & second Place (voted by the DT) Will have the Opportunity to be Our Guest Designers for that following month WORD!!! ALSO! there will be a random Guest Designer too.... NOW HOW AWESOME is that...
for all the INFO head over HERE

& lastly just wanted to Share a couple of PIC from our weekend!!! 
The Boys  left us Girls @ home on the weekend & headed over to Orange
to Australian Bowhunters association 2 day Shoot (archery)
They both had a Gr8 time & did very Well... 
Ethan did Extremely WELL
he came 2nd in his ABA - round,
& 1St in 3D - round!!
Very Proud of him....
SO! while the boys were away, Us girls hung @ home & did a bit of this......
YEP! she loves to bake!!! ( what little girl doesn't)  hehehe 
& I got to do a bit of this......     hehehehe

I will be back to share the rest of this layout with you soon...
 Till then!
THANKS for stoppin by & If you made it all the way down here & still willing
to leave some love.... WELL THANKS your a Sweetie!!
Have a GR8 week