
Monday, December 12, 2011

Kraft It Up - December's Challenge.........

Happy Monday to you all!
We are not quite half way in December ALREADY?
I thought I'd better Share with all my CT layout for KIU....


IT'S CHRISTMAS So lets get in to the Chrissy Spirit!!! I want to see a layout about your Christmas Traditions. You dont have to do a few traditions you can pick your favourite it is totally up to you. We need you to have a photo of your tradition and your creation must be on Kraft Cardstock or Kraft Patterned Paper...

* Due to the delay in getting the challenge posted you will now have until 7th January to link your challenge to this post.

Mostly Working with Echo Park - Merry Christmas Range,
STUFF2SCRAP - Present border MINI here I've used Smooch ,
Gessowith 6x6 CW- brick template, MS - Punch,

The Cream Doily & 2 buttons I got from Lovely Bits n Bobs,
Pin is my Creation, Twine from Craft Queen, Doilies from a Op shop,
If you haven't already Go on over & check out the other
CT layouts TRUST ME you will be Inspired!!

Enjoy your Week!