
Monday, November 7, 2011

Adore.............. Is the Bird Word

I should be doing book Keeping BUT....
Instead I'm posting!!   LOL!
I thought that if do this post then I could concentrate BETTER & then get my work done!!!  hehehe

SO! Bird Is The Word New Challenge Word IS..........
YEP! Adore.........
I truly LOVE the BITW Challenges & AM SO HAPPY to part of the AMAZING team!!!
These DT GIRLS are Ooooozing with Talent.......
they create Such WONDERFUL designs fortnightly!!!!
(And NO none of them payed me to say this)  LOL!
As most of you know,We the design team votes on a winner and four featured winners for each challenge.  The winner of the challenge will receive a kit from Tidbitz In Time.
I did Create MY DT layout with 1 of the Tidbitz In Time
The October Kit - Midnight Stories filled with ahhhhh.
GLITZ Design - Vintage Blue.........
There is only a couple of things here NOT from the KIT!!!
(the bigger blue flower, My Pin, the Royal blue Alphas, the 6x6 CW - Mini Leave Frame & the Script Stamp)
YEP! Even the Doily is in the Kit....   hehehe

I SO Adore the Simple things in Life........
Like getting kisses & Cuddles from my Kids
As they are getting older, I don't seem to be getting as many as
I would like,  SO I Adore this More now than EVER ........

Click On over Check out the other DT - Creations & Hope to see you Play along......
OK!  Better get back to the it I have loads to do & not much time
to do it in.....
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Week!
OH! & THANKS Heaps for your Comments .......
They Put a Smile on my Dial 
♥♥ (Yep! thanks to Chantelle I just loved these little hearts)
♥♥♥♥   hehehehehe