
Monday, October 3, 2011

Sketch #102 for Let's Capture These Sketches

Hello CHICK A DEE's!!!

I been MIA for a couple of days (weekend getaway with the family!! OH! i was good)
So now it's a new month!!!
It's time to share some layouts....
This 1 is a DT layout for Let's Capture These Sketches

OK! so this is the Sketch.... Created by Charlotte
LOADS going on here.... HEY! (I have to admit, it look a bit full on, but I got there I think)

Using the Tidbitz In Time September KIT which consists of  Teresa Collins World Traveler range & other goodies...

The CUTE little bird button & doily is from - Sue Plumb 
Bits & Bots...
The Pin is made by MWAH........

I will be back to share more soon...........
As Always Thanks HEAPS for stoppin by
& your Comments you may leave!!!