
Monday, September 19, 2011

* WINNERS* for my bloggoversary Give Away....

A Hello to you all!
I have got the 2 *WINNERS* for my Bloggoversary GIVERAWAY!
But before I announce the Winners....
I would like to THANK everyone who commented & shared my giveaway on there blog!!!!
VERY MUCH appreciated..... I had a total of 46 names in a bowl
YEAH! I did it the old fashion way...
Cause my 2 Kiddlets wanted to do the draw.........
THE WINNER OF THIS OF THIS PACK GO'S TO.....................

woooooooohoooooooo Jas congrats GIRL.....
Next up is for this Pack Is...............

Starting to Scrap
Woooooooooooohoooooooo VERY well done
to YOU Georgia.....

IF Jasmine & Georgia could email ME with your Address here:
that would be GR8!!! 
I hope you Enjoy your Prizes...
THANKS AGAIN to everyone who joined
in of the FUN..
& be back REAL soon to share another Layout...
So till then my Friends!!!