
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just a Reminder.........

Hello! Hello!
This post is just a reminder!
A Reminder about my Bloggoversary Giveaway 
It Closes on the 18th of Sept......

& the second..........

For all the Info INFO! I have a link on the sidebar......
Just click on that!!!!!!

NEXT UP IS................
My Stuff 2 Scrap September Challenge.....

It can be a Layout / Card or OTP... 
(with OTP you can take what inspires you from the Sketch & just let us know what it is)

The Sketch can be rotated, flipped or mix it up a little as long as it is recognisable....
Also I have a couple of extra criteria’s
1. Butterfly or Butterflies
2. Some stitching hand or Machine
3.Whilst Stuff 2 Scrap Chipboard would be Better  - Any chipboard is acceptable.....

Also it is Open to everyone!!

I would Love to see what you could all come UP with!!!!!
Click HERE to Stuff 2 Scrap blog to link up your Creation..

I will leave you with a Sneaky peek of a couple of layouts I have done as of LATE............
2 Out of 3 Sneak's have Butterflies in them!!!!!!     LOL!

Always a JOY to have you Stop BY........
& your Comments are always appreciated HEAPS & HEAPS...