
Monday, September 26, 2011

YOU & ME is Bird's New word............

Hi There!!
How was your Weekend??
Well mine was SUPER F.U.N & then became a little Exciting!!!!!!
A Couple of weeks back I was asked to be a JUDGE!!
YES! A Judge in the Scrapbooking section @ a local Show...
I would have to say I was QUITE HONORED to be asked!!!
So off I & Chloee my (DD) went to do some Judging.......
Which was Really good to see these Layouts IRL!!!!!
Then when I finished all the Judging....
I was told I did a Awesome Job & if I was interested in coming back next year!! OH! Yeah! was my reply...........
BUT! wait there's more...........
I was Also Asked if I was interested in Teaching a Class @ their local Scrapbooking Store..........
WHAT THE!! ME Your asking ME...........
So I'm like!!!!!!!!!!
How COOL is that....
SO let me just SAY!!!!!! I left the SHOW with my DD with a Skip in my Step............
I will do a Class next year!!! & then WE will go from there.....
SORRY! for the Chatter I just wanted to Share!!!
I will now get on the The GOOD Stuff Sharing the NEW
Bird Is The Word!!!! WORD
Which Is YOU & ME...................
We also have Mary Join Our Team...
Mary now will be Creating a Sketch for each word!!
Which you could use or not up to you...........
SO I did my layout USING: TIDBITZ IN TIME - September kit...
which you can win 1 of these BEAUTIES .....
Or any other Kit that tickles your Fancy!!!!!
Just create a Layout, Card of OTP with 1 of BIRD IS THE WORD-
WORD's!!!!!!!! & you could be the next Winner...
OR pop on over & join up!!!! I signed up for six months.....
The Kits are full of Gorgeous Goodies............. 
SO this is the SEPTEMBER KIT.......

& this is MY DT Layout  YOU & ME.............
I was Really tempted on doing a Layout of Me & Someone!!!!
Anyone really..    LOL!!
But had this Photo of Jason (my DH) & our Beautiful Girl....
Which I just had to do...........
Now for some Close Ups!!
It just wouldn't be a Rachael's post without close UPS.... LOL

SO I've just notice how long this post is.....
Sorry about that!!!
Just some days I'm just a little more Chatty then others!!!
Always a Pleasure to have you Stop by
& when you leave ME blog Love....
THAT really makes MY day!!