
Monday, May 23, 2011

Bird Is The Word - Life/ Live/Living

Yes! Bird has a new word - Life /Live / Living........
So you can use 1 of those words & it can be in your Title or in your Journalling!!!
So I've Used the word Life, As I had this title with Life in it!!!!
YEP!  that easy..........
I've used the Gorgeous Pink Paislee - Butterfly garden here & added some Stamps & Rubons to my background..
Along with other bits!!!
This photo was taken November last year....I think I adore this Man more Now than I ever did...... He is SO Supporting & Loving!! Even when im not the nicest person....   LOL!

& some Close ups!!!

I'm still SUPER Thrilled to be Part of BITW DT.....
Just love the Concept of this Challenge!!
So please pop on over, Check out all the Other Totally Awesome Layouts, A Card & the Sketch that Nadia Designed....
for Bird Is The Word & join Us!!!
Till next time
Happy Scrapping!!!!
Ohh & thanks for any Comments you may leave ME!!