
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Not a top5 Feature BUT good as

Goodmorning Ladies!!

Just a quick post! To share some HAPPY news, Well I think so anyway!!!!
As most of you know about the FAB new Challenge Once Upon A Sketch
 Part of the challenges you will need to add handwriting..... & I first thought, arrrr do I have too, BUT I'm so glad I pushed myself & join in (I know that what Challenges are all about LOL! )
So THANKS to Nadia, Irma, Lou & there AMAZING DT line up!

With there first challenge they had over 100 entries.....
from this they pick a winner, then a top 5..........
Well I didn't make it in the top 6!
BUT!!!! I did get a mention....   *YAY* *YAY* do a lil dance.... (out of over 100)
For ME I'ts as good AS!!! SO POP OVER & have a look @ the AMAZING WINNERS, the LO"S are just JAW DROPPING GORGEOUS..

Thanks for letting ME share this..
It's a lovely SUNNY day here today SOoo i'll be back soon to share some LO's
till then
Happy Scrappin!