
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

For the Record


Show us your Stuff: March Challenge #1 is....
**Scrap something that you cant live without**
and include a handmade item(by you or someone else)
Besides for Money (too fund my ever growing addiction to Scrapbooking) LOL
I've used the FAB new Echo Park for the Record!!
which I throught went SOOOO well with this Challenge - Layout
These 3 people that are in my Life, I really could NOT
Live without.....
I know your thinking, that's something that all of us cant live without
(Famliy), But I SOOooo love these three people & for that I
wanted them to know that too!!
That's My handmade something from Pretty Paper Petals
I've signed up for a 6 Months petal Club & I received my first pack late
last week!

& while i'm on the Subject on Echo Park.......
I also joined in on Anna's Craft Cupboard - March Sketch
Pop over to Anna's & give it a go as the winner gets a $40.00 spending Spree...


Ok thats it for now!
Thanks for popping over & any comments that
you leave..... * HUGS*
Till next time